LABO-MS - Arredi Technici Villa - laboratorní nábytek pro nejnáročnější použití

Arredi Technici Villa - laboratorní nábytek pro nejnáročnější použití

Profesionální italský nábytek nejvyšší třídy pro náročné použití za přijatelnou cenu . Milánská firma Arredi Technici Villa se specializuje na ýrobu laboratorního nábytku již od dvacátých let minulého století a exportuje významný podíl produkce do USA , kde funguje i i sesterská společnost A.T.VILLA USA, Inc.

Nabízí se modelová řada:

  • Addendum - klasické konstrukce laboratorních stolů s kovovými skelety,
  • Ergolab - mobilní laboratorní přístrojové stoly kombinované s konzolovými zavěšenými rozvody a policemi Satellite,
  • Dynamika - kvalitní odolné digestoře pro nábytek Addendum i Ergolab.



Laboratorní stoly a pracoviště


These are modular elements, which consist of a work surface and framing mounted on attached wall structures or simply freestanding. Based on its intended use, the benches are available in various heights and depths with different kind of tops: 120 and 180 cm long and 75 cm deep.

Typical office functions (writing desk, phone, bookshelf, PC, file, etc.) and typical technical functions (technical worktop, running water, electrical, fluid and gas panels, etc.) fully integrate with one another, thus forming a compact vertical structure containing all the installations that users need.

The available space for placing instruments increases with the use of the trolleys, underbench cupboards on castors, extractable shelves and shelves for PCs or small accessories, leaving the worktop fully available.

Pracovní desky

Several types of work surfaces are available in the ADDENDUM product line. The type selected depends on the usage requirements of the surface.


  • Total thickness: 37 mm (30 mm + 7 mm of protective edges)
  • Single modular plate in non-glazed anti-acid stoneware.
  • Very good resistance to chemical agents and thermal and mechanical stress.


  • Total thickness: 48 mm (40 mm + 8 mm of protective edges)
  • 1 mm thick stainless steel plate AISI 316, moulded without welds. Final section stiffening by means of pressure injection of rigid polysicyanided foam. Surface with protective edges on all sides.


  • Total thickness: 37 mm for bench tops; 24 mm for writing desk tops.
  • 0,9 mm thick plastic laminate glued on waterproof fireproof laminboard.
  • Long sides with rounded-off edges.


  • Total thickness: 48 mm (40 mm + 8 mm of protective edges)
  • 1 mm thick steel plate , moulded without welds, coated with non-porous, compact, inert glazed surface. Final section stiffening by means of pressure injection of rigid polysicyanided foam. Surface with protective edges on all sides.


  • A wide selection of sink configuration and materials are also available.

DYNAMIKA digestoř

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